Autism Consultation and
Support events

  • Autism information support events

    Are you looking for extra support navigating the Ontario Autism Program or Education system? Do you have questions regarding diagnosis, therapies, funding support systems, respite? Then this information night is for you. 
    Come connect with other parents of children with autism.

    The family package includes 2 attendees and 2 hours of respite care for 1 child.

    Opportunities to bring your additional child are available at an additional cost.

  • 1:1 Autism Consultations

    Our Consultations are available for families and caregivers who have specific questions or would like extra help navigating the different types of support systems and programs offered to Autistic children, youth and young adults.

    These consultations also provide the opportunity to share in a more intimate and personalized way.

    Available in person and virtually.

    Call 705-885-5437 ext 203 and speak to our expert.

- Stephanie

"The staff are great! in particular Sara has helped us tremendously since we received an add diagnosis".